Monday, April 30, 2012


As Gandhi once said, "When the people lead, the leaders will follow."

Thanks to the internet, it has given the common man a turn at the big microphone. Since this being my first blog where I just write along as I go, I do no not expect it to be a masterpiece, nor do I really expect to get any readers and if I do get readers I do not expect much. So what exactly am I doing here? Ever since I started this blog, I wanted nothing more than to write down what I constantly had on my mind; just let it all out and write it down, and share with as many people as I can. I do not expect much attention, and I am fully aware other great people out there are promoting exactly what I plan to write about, but I feel as if the messages are not being heard enough. All I hear today is concerns about little things like getting a new phone, sports, celebrities, new video games on the market, etc. If the message is being heard, then I must stress he importance and hope that people will take action. Why don't I hear people going around talking about things that really matter, like trying to find an alternative fuel instead of oil or doing everything in their power to end poverty.

I know there are other great resources out there then my blog on these issues, however if my blogs reach one person unaware or unconcerned of these problems, then that is all I need.

Why do I have the urge to even bother writing this stuff? I feel that my own purpose is to help my world. I have little interest in myself, just a average cozy place to live and a very simple lifestyle. I demand little for myself. I never ever get hyped over little things everybody makes a big deal out of (like shoes. My non-fancy simple shoes have small holes in them, but I wear them for years without care or desire to run to the market to buy a new pair. Anyone who buys shoes over $300, I think they need a swift visit from Chuck Norris's boot up their ass). So why do I care about others? Every humans and animal on earth shares a connection. We are genetically linked and share the same home. Whenever I know that someone else is suffering, I feel that my family is suffering. It is a heavy burden to rest the world on your shoulders, but I know I cannot help everyone. It is an impossible task. But as history has shown is that one man can make a difference, no matter how significant. But one person cannot fulfill all their goals. If we are to survive, we must work together. If one person takes action, a small circle of friends and like minded people will soon follow, then the circle grows then their friends and co-workers join, and so on and so on until revolutions start.

Let me share two of my favorite quotes. The first one is from one of my favorite films of all time: “There are two kinds of people in this world when you boil it all down; you have your talkers and you have your doers. Most people are just talk, all they have is talk. But when all is said and done, it’s the doers who change this world. And when they do that, they change us. And that is why we never forget them. So which you are you? Do you just talk about it, or do you stand up and do something about? Because, believe you me, all the rest of it is just coffee-house bullshit.”
That is what I dream of becoming, that is what I work for, which leads me to my next quote: “If you do not do anything, then you're worth nothing.” So besides from typing on the internet, I contribute portions of my day to do what I can to help. My new job, the California League of Conservation Voters, allows me to deal with some of the big issues, from political and environmental. I join certain clubs at my university to work on fund raising. Other times, I go out in public and protest when other people on a variety of things I feel are important.

My blogs will cover a wide variety of topics, some will be linked or intertwine. Of course, I cannot fit all that needs to be said into one blog, so many will have follow-ups.

Some of the Topics I will discuss
Oil, The War in the Middle East, Peak-oil
The War on Drugs, Prohibition
Global Warming, climate change
Environmental Causes, both political and cultural
Religion in general and the Secular Movement, Church and State Separation
Equal Rights
Food, health and environmental consequences
Education and a higher acceptance of science over pseudoscience and quack medicine

And several other things. I must point out, just because I did not list several huge problems (like global hunger, poverty, terrorism, racism, and AIDs) does not mean I will not mention them in my blogs or that I do not think they are worthy of our attention. No, all these things are VERY important. Very important, and we must deal with them as soon as we can. While at the same time, we must not lose focus on many other huge issues.

I care a lot about the planet and my fellow mammals. Really, I would love nothing more that to minimize the suffering of my fellow man and the animals we share this planet with. Let me ask you a question, and please pick the response that best fits you.

“How do I react or respond to discovering that I’m contributing to negative impacts on the planet?”
1. Believe whatever I want to believe, regardless of the data.
2. Don’t know what to believe. Shrug. Do nothing.
3. Become hopeless and depressed. Do nothing.
4. Make excuses: Too expensive, too inconvenient, doesn’t matter.
5. Don’t care. Keep wasting and polluting.
6. Become defensive, rationalize actions.
7. Become enraged with others. Become an eco-terrorist.
8. Make a little sacrifice to ease the guilt.
“I’ll do my best to educate myself so I can make the best choices with the information I have. Acting selflessly as much as possible, simplifying my life, acting not only to satisfy my desires, but for the welfare of the whole, I’ll offer whatever form of charity (money, resources, and/or services) I am able. And I’m making changes right away.”

I hope your answer was the same as the last one, like mine. If not, then I'm not sure if you will find much interest in further reading my blogs, although I recommend you stay and become educated. You are still welcome to read and comment.

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